Monday, May 24, 2010

My friend thinks this guy likes me b/c of the way he acts around me....?

... he's like really evil and he cheats on his girlfriend is really good friends with my best guy friend, tristan, and well im kind of annoyed. I don't like him and i dont want to make assumtions b/c that would be bad. I know that most girls would swoon at the chance to date him and he dated my best friend, and well I disagreed with my friend when she said that. But now I've kind of obsirved the way he is around me and did my research and he acts like he does like me and I'm really like not sure what to do b/c I dont like him and I'm not one to be mean, even though I am, but i don't like him and I think thats why he likes me and i dont nat to say anything to anyone even though im puting it on the www.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My friend thinks this guy likes me b/c of the way he acts around me....?
Gosh danget I read that whole dam* thing and you aint got a question at all


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